What do you do outdoors? Often we can have a rather singular focus when asked that question. One thing comes to mind, “I like to _______.”
But God is the creator of diversity. Perhaps there’s no better place to discover, practice and get familiar with living God’s plan for variety in our life than through the many activities He gives us in outdoor places.
Doing recreation is just the beginning. If all you do is DO outdoors you’ve missed the full potential God intends for these places to have in your life. God wants to meet you there. God wants you to dwell with Him.
There are several places where I get outdoors that I call my familiar place. They’re familiar not just because I enjoy doing them often, get to improve my skills, try new things or simply be outdoors. They are familiar because it is in those places doing those activities that I always find that God is already there, saying, “Welcome back. Live fully in the life I give you.”
Don’t just check out 6 of the places below that I call #myfamiliarplace but let them inspire you to make your own active list of places where you too can regularly dwell with God.

#myfamiliarplace #1: LONGBOARDING DOWN A HILL
If you can’t and don’t skateboard you’ll likely watch those who can, and often do it very well, and have a hard time understanding how such an outdoor activity could be fellowship with God. But Christ is skillful in going way beyond our own understanding. He can transform our favorite activities into ways we become closer to him through his love, instruction, grace and wisdom.
I always leave my longboard in my truck along with my helmet. You never know when the day will beckon you to carve down a hill and feel the breeze in your hair. It’s a very tangible way to both experience and express the freedom Christ has given me. Dwelling with God on my board can be the highlight of my day.

#myfamiliarplace #2: RUNNING A 5K
According to Bojana Galic’s article, 126 Running Statistics You Need to Know, the 5k race is the most popular road race in America. With about 50 million Americans running or jogging, it’s no surprise that many lace up their shoes, hit the road and call it #myfamiliarplace.
But You don’t need a 5k with hundreds of people to challenge yourself or go the distance with God. Go online and join a virtual 5k. Time yourself and wear your medal when you complete the race. It’s easy, works around your schedule, and it lots of fun.
The beauty of the virtual 5k is that you can often do more races, which means more practice and ultimately more time outdoors to make a place for Christ to set the pace for your life.

#myfamiliarplace #3: TEAM SOFTBALL
Those who bring the the Spirit of God and the hope of Christ to the ball field are in a league of their own. Christians are called and have the ability to be salt and light in team sports.
Getting together once a week for some softball is a great way to get some exercise, have fun with those in my community, and make new friends.
When you eat some dirt sliding into base, high five to celebrate a run or tempers flair because of a contested call – the energy outdoors on the field can ultimately be transformed when you dwell on the higher purpose of God.
Don’t forget to forgive, have fun, encourage others, elevate right living AND stretch!

#myfamiliarplace #4: AX THROWING
When pitching a softball and swinging a bat gets to a bit too “traditional outdoor sports” for you then try something new, like ax throwing! It’s a good way to challenge yourself. Moving outside our comfort zone keeps us on target physically and spiritually.
Get started at an indoor ax throwing facility. Some like Axe of Faith in Muncy, Pennsylvania are Christian owned and give you opportunities to do Axe of Kindness. Such facilities not only have the targets and everything you need often with refreshments and more but often you can buy your own ax there too. Once you’ve become familiar with how to skillfully handle your ax then you’re ready to get outdoors.
Every outdoor enthusiast needs to have an outdoor travel gear bag in her or his vehicle. It might include climbing gear, disc golf discs, a fishing pole and now — a hatchet to throw.
Get ready to discover that this is a whole new community of enthusiasts with whom you can become friends. Vineyard Cincinnati Church for example has a Get Your Axercise Women’s Axe Throwing Event. Christian camps like Inspiration Hills in Iowa and many more offer Ax throwing.

#myfamiliarplace #5: OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY
Grab your camera and hit the road! A change of scenery always helps to clear my mind and inspire new ideas. Taking your camera helps you to slow down and see the world from a unique perspective.
Picture this: You’re out hiking in the wilderness when you come across some wildlife or flowers or that amazing waterfalls or you’re simply laying back in the sunny field as you look up and God inspires you with pictures in the sky.
As musician Rich Mullins sings, “There the world unfolds right before me, with whispers of hope and shouts of glory.” Yes, photography can take you to a realm in outdoor places that gives you a lens to see amazing detail of how God dwells among us.
And by the way when you snap some of those amazing pics be sure to CONTACT Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE. They may want to feature your story.

#myfamiliarplace #6: BABYSITTING
Say what? Yeah, pay attention here because being others-minded is one of the most important places you need to call #myfamiliarplace
Babysitting for a young couple can be a blessing for everyone. The young couple gets a break to do their outdoor time with God and you get a chance to get some exercise with added snuggles!
And don’t think that means you have to stay locked indoors. Young children love to get outdoors and breath in the energy. Get that stroller loaded with water, supplies and everything you need to make it baby’s day out.
These are just some of the activities I do outside. They all become more robust and transformative when I don’t just do them but truly dwell in God.
Post a comment below and share some of the many outdoor places that you call #myfamiliarplace What makes it your place to enjoy time with God?