What does it mean to be made in the image of God? How do children learn to talk with God? These are the questions that award-winning author Karen Valentin helps children explore in her book, God Is Just Like Me.
One of the things I think makes this book excellent for children is that more than half the pages in this book, illustrated beautifully by Antonieta Muñoz Estrada, shows the featured Puerto Rican girl outdoors. Weather she is riding in the car into the countryside away from the city, looking into the night sky from her bedroom window, walk with her Mami and Papi in a park, dancing with others in a community plaza, fishing on a lake or at the zoo, children see the joy of getting outdoors to talk with God.
Why is that important? In today’s busy world often if not entirely lived indoors children quickly become extremely familiar with interior and confined spaces. According To Healthfully.com article, The Negative Effects Of Youth Staying Indoors,Tara West, who specializes in parenting, green living and career development, “Children are spending vast amounts of time inside — and missing out on vital outdoor activity.” The results are not surprising:
- increased obesity
- other physical health issues
- mental health issues
- less skills for the future
I would add to that list that that children who don’t get outside have less awareness of the world around them, miss a very dynamic form of quality family time and lose (instead of grow) their capacity to connect with God and talk with God via the natural world. You may identify yet other reasons why children – in fact all of us are not living in the fullness God intends because we don’t get into the outdoors enough and stay there long enough.

What can you do to help children want to get outdoors? Yep, it’s that easy, get this book and read it with them – again and again. Let them hear the words and see the pictures. Then let them ask questions, imagine the possibilities, and suggest to you what they would do and where they would go outdoors.
Help them to practice actively talking with God and finding examples of God’s character all around. When you do that then, as Chris Carter says in his, My 7940 Mile Hike story, you set the stage to help children mature with the ability to see what he calls the micro-landscape – the intricate detail God has made – all the small things that give testament to the limitless magnificence of a big yet detailed and loving God. Chris shares how some of his multi-day hikes were done almost entirely alone help him to deeply learn how to talk with God outdoors and enjoy the friendship of that conversation.
Karen Valentin has also authored books for adults including, The Mother God Made Me To Be. In the video below she shares about her core message to mothers. You can see how living a lifestyle where God is central to your perspective and the choices you make has a tremendously powerful impact not just for you but for future generations.
What it means to be made in the image of God is a conversation we all need to have with God. It is a conversation we can encourage children to have with God. An outdoor lifestyle where conversations with God are as natural as the sun, wind, rain and wildlife is an outdoor lifestyle that is transformed now, for the future and for eternity.
Don’t just get a copy of God Is Just Like Me for your family, get a couple of extra copies to give to other families who need to be encouraged to get outdoors and talk with God. AND – remember that Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE has an entire department for The Outdoor Family that is regularly adding new content to help your family pursue, explore and celebrate life in Christ outdoors.