August-October 2023

What do you do when you get outdoors? Maybe you raft, snorkel, hike, fish, bike or do some extreme sport. Whatever activities you do, you likely do them for a time and then go home. Imagine what it would be like to live outdoors. People do it. They’ve done it for years.

David in the Bible as a shepherd boy likely spent many days and nights outdoors. Another guy spent a lot of time outside too. John Muir was also a shepherd and guided a flock of 2,000 sheep to the Tuolumne Meadows in the High Sierra in what today is Yosemite National Park.

Today, you can get outdoors for days doing survival training and more.

Getting outdoors for recreation or living outdoors for a period of time are 2 very different experiences. In this issue of Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE we invite you to consider the theme Dwell  whether you’re out for a few hours, a few days or longer. Think about it from God’s perspective.

What does it mean for you to live and continue in a given condition and presence? How can you get beyond the going and doing and instead inhabit the outdoors – all while God inhabits not just your praises but all you do and experience outdoors?

When we learn to dwell in Christ then the outdoors becomes more than an adventure and experience. It is the place where others find us in a more robust and transformed life that is truly animated not by what we see and do but by God’s Spirit.

Join in the conversations of this issue of Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE and be an active part of our community. Share the magazine with others and invite them to join you. Lend your pictures and thoughts to the theme COMMIT with your social media hashtag #myfamiliarplace

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In this issue