PUBLISHER’S NOTE: In 2015 we launched our first regional edition of Faith & Fitness Magazine for the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minnesota) market. It gave us the opportunity to offer regional specific content for the many readers we have there. This content is now featured in Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE. This is the first article by Mary Mack who was our Twin Cities Editor at that time. Want to bring greater presence to faith filled outdoor living in your city? CONTACT US and ask about being part of our team.
By Mary Mack
It’s upon us once again– the season of snow, slush and socks trapped in the toes of your sorrels (those are boots for you non Midwesterners.)
At first it’s invigorating to experience this snowy season. Sledding, ice-skating, hot cocoa, Advent and the reminder that with the white blankets of pure snow we have a chance to see creative Creator in every part of the season.
But after the Christmas lights are down, the hot cocoa runs dry and the slushy shoveling turns to daily drudgery, how do we keep the fun, joy and the fitness going strong throughout winter? Joy can be a source of strength for us and what better time to be strong then when we are shoveling and snow blowing? Winter work is a workout, so here are a few tips on keeping our bodies strong as we go through this season.

Shoveling or sweeping snow is a great cardiovascular workout and if your anything like me, I want to complete the job as best I can. Our brains drive to complete a task, we feel good jumping in to a project, we see progress, we are in a groove even. But part of winter safety is knowing when enough is enough.
What NOT to do:
- Don’t push past pain in your joints or chest. “No pain, no gain” isn’t always a hard and fast rule
- Don’t write off sharp pains or pains that come on fast in localized areas. Muscle soreness is usually wide spread, sharp pain is not wanted.
- Don’t keep working if your suddenly dizzy, hot or feel nauseated. Have a seat, grab your water bottle near by.
- Don’t start a a project on an empty stomach or without all your tools handy
What TO DO:
- Do have a snack and water near by.
- Do know your limits–get to know how hard cardiovascular exercise feels in your body
- Do listen to your body and its signals. Sit down if you overheat or if you are not feeling well
- Do let a family member or neighbor your going to work outside in the cold.
- Do stay properly hydrated all day and the day prior.
- Layer your clothing so you don’t overhead or have to wear wet and sweaty clothes while you work.
Bring your faith to all the places you go to work, play, worship and serve this winter – Everywhere! It may be a cold, solitary and difficult job to do or it may be a cozy community of fellowship by a warm fire. Whatever you do and wherever it is, make everywhere #GodsSpace.
God has designed our bodies to adapt to outdoor conditions, self heal and self regulate as well, but sometimes we aren’t keen on the signals our body is sending. Here are some simple ways to use your BODY to stay safe and strong.
- When shoveling or moving snow, lift from your legs, they are some of the strongest muscles of your body. The key is learning to use your legs and rely on their strength instead of letting your back do the work.
- Engage your core, pull your belly button back to your spine and squeeze tight as you move through any motion. You can invest in ergonomic shovels to ease the load and eliminate potential injury from your low back.
- Many hands make light work; so make it a family affair. Play a game, have a race to finish, make a big pile and sled down it…you could even get some matching scarves to ham it up for the neighbors.
Too often, when those of us into health and fitness hear that the joy of the Lord is our strength, we connect with the strength part and leave the JOY part sitting on the sidelines. The JOY we cultivate this season is what carries us, with strength, through to the end of the task.
As a mom and wife especially I am called to set the proverbial temperature of the home… I am the Joy Setter! If I let God’s Joy shine THROUGH me regardless of my emotions or circumstances, it can change the whole tone of the day. Joy sets the tone of the day when you speak the 5 words of grace into your family.

SHARE THE JOY, #makefamilyfit
CONTACT US because we want you to send us your family winter cardio picture and a brief description of the picture so that we can add it to this article for others to see how you set the temperature with joy. Then also post the picture on your social media and include the hashtag #makefamilyfit. All pictures that have been submitted by our readers appear on the last page of this article.
We can bring joy to the neighborhood too by helping others with what they may need: Carrying groceries over an icy stoop, shoveling, hanging lights, and salting their walk. Encourage them to come out if they are physically able to and join in a sledding party, winter walk or caroling!
- Refuse financial compensation. You may never fully know how compassion can transform your community.
- Make it a prayer. Your tangible physically active work for others speaks volumes. Beyond that pray for your neighbor, talk with him or her and be prepared to pray with your neighbor if the opportunity presents itself.
- Go beyond the moment. Be prepared with a way to connect again in the future. You might invite the person you are helping to dinner. Loan a book. You can even invite your neighbor to the gym, church or a local event or activity.
The state of our bodies affects our effectiveness in the spiritual world, so aim to use everything God gives you to be a healthy instrument for His use. Winter work can help you get a new kind of cardio in. Dr. James Meschino of MoschinoHealth.com reminds us in his research that aerobic and cardiovascular health, translates into conditioning for life. “[Your] Heart gets stronger and the tissue extracts oxygen with much more efficiency. That means, when you’re at rest your heart doesn’t have to work as hard.”
Regular cardiovascular exercise –even from winter play or work outside has these incredible benefits:
- lowers insulin levels
- lowers blood pressure
- burns fat
- reduce depression
- helps you sleep
- reduces risk of disease like cancer, diabetes and more!
With the winter months being challenging enough for our heart conditions, physically and emotionally, anything you can do to ward of depression and help reduce stress and disease should top your nice list!
Winter workouts don’t have to be ALL WORK, don’t forget all the fun winter activities that keep your heart pumping and your joy levels lifted. You can have a snowball fight, sled, snowshoe (which is a great leg workout too), make an igloo, ice skate and so many more. Even taking your little angels, be they kids, nieces or neighbors and making snow angels will touch your heart in many ways.
So, set the tone of the winter season: Get outside, cultivate a strong core, as a team in your household, help others and keep your cardio health a priority. Above all keep your JOY shining. You can make strenuous work fun, safe and light. It’s just the start of the winter season here in Minnesota, We’ve had just a few snowfalls and are gearing up for more this week. We keep our shovels ready, snow blowers tuned, cocoa hot and our eyes on God, the author and finisher of our faith. We aim to see Him in the strength we feel in our legs as we heave snow from the sidewalk. We sense Him in the burn in our lungs from the cold air as we work outside. We hear Him in the laughter of our families as we spend time together and in the purity of the white snow, like a blanket of grace for all. Covering the old, the dead, the former things and making all things new. ‘Tis the season for many amazing things!