SFC Western Conference
Want to bring some real, eternal value to your community? Then plan to attend the Snowboarders and Skiers For Christ’ Western Conference.
- WHEN: October 26-29, 2023
- WHERE: Moab, Utah – Gold Bar Group Campsite
From the outside, many SFC expressions worldwide look like community service. It’s even a temptation just to do good, serve people, and stop there. As followers of Jesus, we know that there is a greater purpose behind our so-called “do-goodery.” We do good in our communities to show others a glimpse of the love that Jesus offers them. But how do we move beyond community service and meeting tangible needs?

SFC Midwest Conference
Do you love shred culture and live in the Midwest? Bring your skateboards and come learn about ministering in shred culture with SFC!
- WHEN: October 7-8, 2023
- WHERE: Edina, Minnesota – Help Board Shop
More information and registration coming later! Be sure to check wearesfc.org for updates.
Winter in the Midwest can be long and cold. There are many opportunities to be a light on the hill this upcoming season. Join us this fall in Edina to learn about sharing Christ in the shred culture. We will be talking about creative ways to reach others this winter. If you own a skateboard, come ready to skate at Help Board Shop’s indoor skate park!

SFC is a community of skiers and snowboarders who want to see the shred culture transformed by the life-changing, redemptive love of Jesus. We believe that in order to affect change in a culture, God has to be at the center of everything we do. Our relationship with Him has to spill into the places we work, the mountains we ride, the restaurants where we commune, all of it. Our aim is to bring the light of Jesus to every corner of this culture. Watch the video below for an overview of SFC.
How does SFC make a difference in today’s culture? How can you get Christ in the center of your outdoor passions and be the life of Christ to others when you’re outdoors? Listen to this SFC podcast about doing ministry in a Post Christian World. This podcast was recorded at a previous conference and is an example of the sessions and conversations you can anticipate at the SFC Western Conference.
One of the ministries of Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE is to engage you as an outdoor enthusiast to explore what may be a new form of outdoor activity for you. The great news is that there is an entire community ready to welcome you and support you. Reach out to SFC today.