What is your Google to God ratio? How much time do you spend searching? And – more importantly have you considered how much time and potential that takes away from being found in the simple splendor and unsearchable presence of God? The Bible proclaims, “Who can know the mind of God?!” But that’s not meant to lead to the conclusion, “I won’t put much effort into seeking God then, I’ll just pursue knowledge and understanding through my own ability.” That human ability is limited. Because it is, and forever will be, we can celebrate all the more the hope we have through eternal fellowship with an infinite God.
What did your phone report your average daily screen time was for last week? Over 250 people gathered at a church building in Europe to reduce their screen time (from the usual 6-7 hours per day). They turned their phones off and spent several hours together talking, playing games, reading and more all with the commitment to shift gears, be less technology infatuated, and perhaps quite their souls a bit. Apparently the church may still have some value and be a good place to go!
Take a moment and look around. Everyone, everywhere has their nose stuck deep into their devices. While Google may be the king among “search engines”, social media, entertainment, e-commerce and other sites are all tools for our SEARCH for more.

We’ve become our own God’s in our search. We want to believe that everything can be found right in the palm of our hands. And with the advent of AI even stuff we couldn’t have ever imagined looking for can be found. Impressive and glorious, right?
My message isn’t a cultic campaign for you to be a narrow-minded religious fanatic. It’s an assuring response to your inner spirit that has a passion for purpose. Accept the calling to pursue God with at least as much effort and frequency as you currently look for answers on your phone – hopefully a lot more. If that’s radical for you, cool!

This is an invitation to go pitch a tent in the desert on a starry night, quiet yourself and discover God. AND – if you can’t get to the desert or some other outdoor destination at least camp in a yard. No matter how much you search the Internet you can’t find out how big the universe is. Despite all we know there’s so much we don’t yet understand – and never will. Alongside your pursuit of knowledge, pursue God with enthusiastic vigor. In addition to pushing to do more and to be all you can be, push into God’s presence. Don’t limit yourself to what you can search and find. Get lost in the profound and unsearchable nature of God when you go where God is.
In this issue of Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE meet a growing community of passionate people who are finding greater purpose in their outdoor lifestyle through creation care. They’re pursuing a Christ-centered perspective to being good stewards of the earth. They’re practicing faithful living for a changing world. They love God and all creation – including the human kind. So, they’re outdoors and loving it.
They’re having conversations and searching for ways to have a better impact on the planet. They recognize there are ways we can all do better and live better. In this search I encourage you to pursue hard after the unsearchable God. Explore what God calls you specifically to do. Then, do it, inviting others to join you. Celebrate God through your outdoor lifestyle. While you’re at it, do your own expression of unsearchable and Shout!
Adventure fully in Christ,
Brad Bloom, Publisher